Building your Board of Directors

Life is full of challenges. It is critical to have a strong circle of people supporting you. There are several key relationships we all need to thrive personally and professionally.

·      Mentors, note plural- Mentors are usually farther down the road in a professional facet than you. e.g. associate/full professor, more established in a niche or specialty. Mentors generally share their experiences and offer advice. Life is complex, and not every mentor can be everything to you all the time. Consider seeking mentors for different facets of your professional life, e.g. a different mentor for leadership vs clinical medicine.

·      Peer mentorship- We often think that we can only be mentored by someone senior to us. Developing peer mentors is important, as you can develop information sharing and support each other often in ways that someone senior to you may not be able to. For instance, a senior mentor may not have had the same experiences in the workplace, if the culture, policy or procedures have changed drastically. A peer mentor can provide support, as your experiences are more similar. Peer mentors may have different life and professional experiences that allow for a mentorship dynamic to develop. Don’t dismiss a potential mentor that is at a similar career stage as you, as they may have a lot to offer.

·      Sponsors, really important- A sponsor is more than a mentor, a sponsor will seek to extend opportunities to you! For instance, if your sponsor is offered a speaking engagement, they may decline it and suggest you. A sponsor is often someone you look up to and has a career or facet of a career you’re looking to emulate. A good sponsor will have a great network they are willing to share with you, they are a staunch advocate (not threatened by your current and potential success) and are willing to extend their credibility and vouch for you.

·      Friends- know you well, you can really let down your guard. While friends are great, they may not provide objective feedback when you need it.

·      Coach- the central philosophy in coaching is really asking good questions to help you decide what to do. Coaching often centers on overcoming limiting beliefs and helping you leverage your strengths. Depending on the arrangement, some coaches may offer advice in some situations. Coaching involves goal setting, and your coach can provide external accountability.

·      Mastermind group- this is a program based around peer support. The group offers a safe space for advice, brainstorming, and action plans. It combines the success of ideas, solutions, support and accountability.

-Take a look at your board of directors. It may be time to add (or remove) a few seats at your table. Also, remember that you are the CEO of your own life. Only YOU know what is truly best for you. Take counsel, and integrate it with what you know to be true in your heart and your mind. Never delegate that to anyone on your board.


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